Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29th, 2007 SOAPsDISH!

I feel the need to apologize for my posts..After perusing the web and reading my other GH faves I have to admit that I am (1) seemingly, the only one who is enjoying GH right now and (2) laughing uproariously. I watch for entertainment, and I guess I do not take 80% of the shows conversations, occurrences or storylines seriously, which gives me ton of stuff to write (critique )in this post and it thereby allows me to enjoy the hilarity of the show; I’m also a Spongebob Squarepants fan so you can clearly see where I’m coming from. But I truly feel bad now that I’ve read the passionate and burdened views of other posters that I admire….

And I’mmmm over it..sooo onto my highly original (I say that laughing outloud as well) opinionated post!

Carly/Sonny/Jax/Kate and some Jason thrown it as well
Honestly I must laugh out loud, and for a great length of time, whenever I hear Sonny attempt to bully Jax in the name of Carly’s safety, seeing as how he has thrown her out of his house countless times, divorced her on a whim (betrayal, betrayal!!) three times, and my favorite all time fail safe ….HE SHOT HER IN THE HEAD!!!!! I think I work this into every single commentary I post, but I must be the one who constantly reminds our viewing public of this sad ridiculous albeit sickeningly hilarious point..He is the last person on earth that should speak whenever Carly’s best interests, or her safety comes into question.

SO Ric gets a free pass and Jerry must die..And how exactly is that different Sonny? Oh, simply because you say so, oh-kay I get it..Yep another thing to add to the list of absurdly ridiculous hypocritical comments that are Sonny Corinthos..Hmmm, Ric chained your then wife, Carly to a WALL, and attempted to steal your unborn son, yettt he gets multiple chances..a brother who you know is hell bent on revenge, and yet Jerry’s brother (bellow it like Sonny now…) DESERVES TO DIE..and what, now? Jax should be the one to kill him? Eh…How many times have you held a gun to Ric’s head and not been able to pull the trigger and this is a man who you just recently became acquainted with, you didn’t grow up with him in a supposed happy home as Jax did with Jerry.. Pfftt…

I hate that Jax has to beg Sonny for his brothers life…beg Sonny for his leftover women..beg Sonny continuously..Ugh.. Do you see the pattern here?

Carly, honey, I’m thinking that you should come up with a better argument to Jason other than “Jax and I wont make it if you kill his brother.” I’m just saying, that’s not a point that will move him much, seeing as how he has seen you through countless other failed relationships.. Counseling you (and Sonny) is his real 9-5 day job anyway; hitman is just something he does on the side.

Tracey and Luke
I love Luke and Tracey in love, and I’m tickled pink that the bond that formed between Tracey and Lulu is being brought back into the forefront.

Notable quotables:
"You’re a damn strong ally."

"I’ve become surprisingly fond of my prickly smart-mouthed step-daughter."

I truly hope and pray that they continue to expand on that dynamic because in a pinch Tracey always comes through and now that Dillon is exiting (more diminishing Q’s) hopefully she’ll still get some screen time.

Skye and Lo
My Lo is gone..(real tears I'm crying people!) I loved that sexy fine Ted King, truly I did. The writing for his character was horrible, especially after he developed a following and viewers preferred his lovable gangster portrayal more than spastic Corinthos..(what?? I’m just saying)..But now your gone and I will miss seeing your fineness on GH..I wish you success elsewhere!

I must be sick and twisted because I was enthralled at Skyes manipulations. She is quick on her feet.. Man. When that Fed(?) walked in and started asking questions, she covered like a champ, which impressed Lo. He praised her once the convinced Fed left, but my thoughts were “eh Lo, you've seen her skills, and you don’t get, that she’s about to have you whacked?” I mean seriously, when she dropped the robe, he should have known he was done for. You stole the woman’s child!!!! And she’s willing to climb into bed with you? Nahh, sweetie don’t do it..

And sitting in the rocking chair, gently singing to your daughter as you listen to her father slump to the ground..Hmmmph..I’m sadistic I admit it.. That entire scene was powerful..Only from an entertainment point of view..(boy am I back peddling huh??)

And wait let me add Ric in here..Why is he so hot on the trail ALREADY..Come on..Lo went to Venezuela and Ric wasn’t over the house immediately, seeking him out, assuming he was murdered..Seriously, I know you’re keeping the storyline moving but you should have at least given it three days and then had Ric start to get suspicious, not three freakin hours..Man..

But I do like the Ric and Skye chemistry, I do..I hope they turn Skye into the next, not so psychotic, just more manipulative, version of Faith Roscoe.. TPTB, Do not turn her into another one of Sonny’s bed bunny’s. Please!!!!! But then again, if you want your actress to have an ample amount of screentime, she must traverse through the horrendous land that is, the Corinthos mattress....**heavy sigh**

Amelia/Sam/Liz and Jason
Both of these women (perhaps all three, actually) have been slapped with a dumb stick..

Seriously, first off, Amelia, your idiotic, convoluted revenge plan is so incredulously stupid that I just don’t even get the point anymore..and how dumb are you? Sam lives a very dangerous life, her boyfriend is a MOB HITMAN, and you’ve had a gun shoved in your face how many times now? Yet, you think that getting revenge for your father, who evidently married an underage floozy, and apparently was an abusive man as well, needs vengeance exacted for what was done to him?? Huh, what, who, hello?

It reminds me though of another horrendous “my father was a good man” revenge storyline. Remember the disastrous Reese is really Carly crap? The fed who came to town and fell in love with Sonny’s dimples, and couldn’t keep her pants on, and then turned around and wanted to exact revenge from Carly, because she slept with her father (a man who slept with an adolescent 16 year old Carly!!) but Carly ruined her family as well. Yeah, the same horrific convoluted writer is regurgitating this crap at us again.. As if it worked so well the last time? Actress fired, network lawsuit, hullo? Any of this mess ringing a bell, here???

If Sam doesn’t stop apologizing to conniving Amelia, enough already. WE GET IT, Sam is fooled by Amelia sheesh!! And Sam is now going to be a baby stealing lunatic, I suppose, because suddenly she is obsessed with Jake, Jason’s progeny, “oh look at those blue eyes,” “oh you must get that from your father”..and Liz sits there and doesn’t get it at all..Honey, the last time you checked weren’t your husband Lucky’s eyes, brown??? So yet again, no bells and whistles are going off that Sam knows that this is Jason’s baby?

I do like that Liz is not mousy, she can lay the hammer down when she needs to. She has that strong authoritative Mommy NO! She made me sit up and pay attention. Ha ha ha.. And Sam sits there using Amelia’s same passive aggressive tactics on Liz, but everyone is none the wiser to the others game, eh? Oh kay…Jason looking like a deer caught in the headlights was hilarious though..He really doesn’t know what to do, everyone just kind of stood there in the coffee house (and sits) looking puzzled. And Sonny ended up being the most perceptive one, his meds are really working man.

Robin and Patrick
I love them in love as well. But these writers don’t know, or don’t think that couples in love and working together is interesting, because that whole interlude with those underaged girls was stupid! And what they no longer have anything to say or do with this Craig fiasco? I guess now that Sonny and Jason have caught wind of it its best to stay away..Hmm on second thought, that is the smartest thing to do. They never hit their supposed target.

But these two have cute dialogue to me.. I know others hate it and think its rehashed, and Robin does sound a bit schizophrenic at times, but once again I much rather have them regurgitate this, than yet another non-chemistry having, bed hopping, woman swapping scenario, with Sonny/Carly/Jax/and insert new unknown woman’s name here.

Robin and Patrick:
We are not good, not in non-crisis time.
What is that like, daylight savings time

Noah got some good screen time too but I couldn’t understand his motivation for snapping at them, when he was championing their union a few weeks earlier. What in the world where those three hideous looking underdressed girls ("the triplets") supposed to be? Enticement for Patrick? Yuck. They were gross. “I was teaching her how to grind.” *shudder** Those creatures should not have bothered DR. Robin at all...

Okay finally onto the pies de resistance.. All things involving CRAIG/JERRY
Ha ha..yeah the piece that I have been trying to resist.. I know pitchforks and torches will follow (I intentionally quote Craig) but I’m intrigued by this Jerry/Craig fiasco. Once again, I suspend belief, because the storyline doesn’t make sense. Ohh, doing all this to keep innocent Emily from being imprisoned due to espionage charges, yeah whatever, that would not motivate Carly, nor Jason actually, who shoots first, and then has Sonny’s high priced lawyer bail him out, stop them. They have Alexis, they have Diane, they even have Ric who can pull any amount of crooked schemes, oh wait and Jax holds Mayor Floyd in his back pocket, so the reasoning for keeping Craig alive and out in the open being to protect Emily, is atrociously ridiculous but….

I don’t care!! Sebastian Roche rocks, and he has chemistry with absolutely everybody on screen.. I can't believe it..He and Jax together are (swoon) delicious to watch interact and I can believe their brothers (simply because I want to dangit!!) I love the interaction with Lady Jane, I like him and Alexis, though there is no way in heck that she should ever choose to be with him KNOWING now, everything that he has done. Using Emily as a bargaining chip with Jason, is genius! because we all know the lengths that Jason will go to protect Emily (yes, even though the espionage scheme is ridiculous -using her is still good!)..Plus I liked Craig's scenes with Jason.. Jason looked confused, and put out.. but that’s normal, yet I still liked the strength in which Craig projected, in his encounters with Jason. He knows Jason’s lethal, but he also knows that Jason has a fatal flaw as a hitman; he has loved ones. I do not care that the entire change from hostage taker to Jax’s brother is horrendous, I don’t care, I don’t care. I love Craig, and I love every scene that he is in. I do wish however that they had just kept him as Craig and found a better way to infilitrate him into society and into the cast than rewriting and totally obliterating history by slapping the label Jerry Jax on him. He makes a great villian in his own right without trying to accurately deal with the Jerry history and connections.

Yet another odd interaction that must be mentioned..

Alexis and Carly altercations all week..

Over Jax…Huh, what? I really didn’t know how to feel about that..At first I was like, Carly honey, you are completely psychotic and so overtly insecure that it is pathetic.. (though I do like when her and Alexis squabble -the sheer entertainment value..priceless) but as I listened to Carly’s irrationale rationale, suddenly I turned to the dark side..Ha ha I did see where she was coming from, and I had to admit that she was 100% correct in every point that she made. Alexis does dog her, she is condescending and rude, and talks her down the minute she’s out of the room. All true.. Claiming that Alexis would use her sickness as a tool to manipulate Jax into bed, was low, very low, but when she made a comparison to how Alexis fell into bed with Sonny, I had to concede yet another valid point to crazy insecure psychotic Carly.

Yes, she’s insecure, she lacks self control, she’s selfish, she’s overbearing, she’s classless, she’s grating, yes all true, but she also does have a right to be jealous of Alexis, and of her friendship with Jax, SEEING as how Alexis did say last week that she should have slept with Jax when she had the chance, and that she was able to get his marriage annulled.. That’s all I’m saying. Hey, even a broke clock is right twice a day!

By the way, I like Jax and Carly…Very much... Very, very much. And I’m particularly glad that my first fight with my husband as newlyweds, wasn’t over my b.f.f. shooting my brother but hey what are you going to do..

And to acknowledge the awkwardness of Nikolas’s outburst. Jax being everybodies b.f.f. (what a hoot) I would like to take this opportunity to point out all the reasons why Jax is sooo much better than Sonny (this is after watching the Kate and Carly's altercation in which Sonny did not intervene, and sat back, watching and enjoyed their little spat.) Kate's got a little spunk to her doesnt she..I guess shes capable of pulling the bensonhurst out of her back pocket when need be and handing out her own can of whoop @$$. She told Carly that she was about to bite off more than she could chew and I was like whoa...

But back to Jax:

1). He would never take anybody elses side over Carlys (his wife!)
2). He chose his wifes feelings over his best friend (and you are supposed to!!!)
3). He knew she was bluffing and yet didn’t call her on it, because he didn’t want to embarrass her
4). He didn’t threaten and or manipulate her into doing what he wanted.
5). Best of all. He didn’t scream, throw barware and smash things and tell her she was dead to him, nor stomp out of the house. (this might be 5,6, and 7!)

That Nikolas, is why he is everybodies b.f.f and Carly’s white knight!

And to further disagree with other fellow loved and respected posters! I still love Spinelli, and Spinelli speak.

He’s a bumbling teen and how impossible is it that the BMOC Jason, the epitome of cool, has befriended him. It renders me speechless, though it causes him to babble, I think its adorable. I love that he reached in and hugged Sonny. Another one of my roaring moments. I loved that he mocked Sonny and was surprised that he pronounced Couture correctly. Hey, I was surprised as well.
Spinelli has the gumption to say these things to their face and it’s refreshing. Yes, he goes on and on, about the “secret pain of Stone Cold” and yes its veering onto the side of creepy, BUT no one, absolutely no one, ever thinks about what’s good or best for Jason, and finally we have someone who does and I’m thrilled about it. I love his nicknames and I love his quirky innocence.

Driven One = Amelia
Valkyrie = Carly
Noble One= Emily
Unhinged One = Jerry/Craig
Stone Cold = Jason
The Innocent one = Jake
White Knight = Jax
Godfather= Corinthos
Crabby Commando = Logan
Darth Alcazar = Lorenzo

Did you notice that Sam no longer has a nickname, if I can make the suggestion, she can be known as the “obnoxiously stupid one”.

Now, who is Spinelli going to turn into though? Is he going to be related to Jason somehow down the line? They’ll eventually have to introduce some sort of connection that creates angst, sooo seeing as how he has befriended and worships Stone Cold, deductuve reasoning tells me that he will have to turn out to be the child of Stone Cold’s enemy. But who could that be? Now that Lo is dead and now that Sonny has mentioned that Jason is oddly patient with him, it must already be in the works to flush out his character.

What the??? Kate moved next door to Sonny. C’mon on. You can’t be anymore creative than that? Seriously? Right next door huh? Ohh-kay. Why move next door to the man you dont want, who is a mobster, who is a constant target, who knows you're REAL name and who keeps manipulating you to do things his way? Yet another glutton for punishment.

I do love Diane in her presence though. “Your outfit btw, is fab-U-Lous!”

Seriously the bit players are giving us the gold on GH.

Sonny to Ric:
Not everyone is cut out for fatherhood...

Haaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa…oh my goodness, oh wait my side is hurting..oh man..that’s good stuff, phew.. New nickname for Sonny as well.. Brrrriiiinnnnnggg…Hullo? Pot calling kettle..Sonny, it’s for you!!! Ya, hypocritically, murderous, mobster idiot!

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